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GDPR Compliant Data Destruction

GDPR Compliant Data Destruction services registered with the UK ICO

GDPR Compliant Data Destruction

Data Protection

Free Laptop Collection Service

Operating throughout the UK offering FREE IT recycling collections.

Free Laptop Recycling Service Nationwide

Nationwide Service

Tracked Laptop Collections

Our collection vehicles are unmarked and GPS Satellite tracked for better security.

Tracked Laptop Recycling Collections

Tracked Vehicles

UK Based Laptop Refurbishing

All Laptops are processed and refurbished in our own UK facility

Refurbished Computers, Laptops, Monitors and Phones

Laptop Refurbishing

Free Laptop Recycling

CPR - Laptop Recycling offer a FREE and unique way for your School or Business, Goverment department or Health Care Organisation to comply with WEEE Directives and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) because the disposal of your old Laptops, monitors and other IT equipment (including your old cables and chargers) is now easier than ever before and still completely free of charge.

Just request a free Laptop Recycling Service and your done! No charge, no hassle. We contact you to arrange a date and time, collect all you old Laptops and any other I.T. equipment you may have, destroy all data on any hardware and leave you with a clutter free office or school again.

We restore every single computer to it's former glory. Then, we put it back into service as fully refurbished computer equipment for business or personal use. Best of all, we collect all your old Laptops and other IT equipment for Free. Then, we donate profits to UK Charity.

How our Laptop recycling service works

No more worries about WEEE certificates and record keeping when getting rid of your old Laptops. Why, Because CPR Computer Recycling do not send anything to landfill. Now that's how to Recycle Old Laptops!

We also provide you with access to your own secure portal which shows every item collected from you and provides you with datawiping certificates where needed. Laptop Recycling has never been so easy.

Our service is not restricted to just businesses, schools, government bodies or the Health Service either as individuals can use our drop off or send direct service. But for all organisations, collections are completely free of charge when you have just 5 Computers or more.

We accept pretty much any IT equipment. Making it a working product once again we then stop any of your old equipment going to landfill. Need more information? then check out our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Desktop All In One Computers RecyclingDesktop All In One Computers
Desktop Computers RecyclingDesktop Computers
Thin Client Terminals RecyclingThin Client Terminals
Computer Monitors RecyclingComputer Monitors
Laptops and Netbooks RecyclingLaptops and Netbooks
Servers RecyclingServers
Tablets RecyclingTablets
Mobile and Smart Phones RecyclingMobile and Smart Phones
Office IP Telephones RecyclingOffice IP Telephones
Printers RecyclingPrinters
Projectors RecyclingProjectors
Amplifiers and Speakers RecyclingAmplifiers and Speakers
Network Hubs, Switches and Firewalls RecyclingNetwork Hubs, Switches and Firewalls
Televisions RecyclingTelevisions
Cables, chargers and adapters RecyclingCables, chargers and adapters

We provide you with all the regulatory documentation you need for ISO complience and track and trace every piece of computer equipment from collection to re-sale. As an ICO (Information Commissioner's Office) registered company, you know that all data will be destroyed in line with the DPA / GDPR.

Laptop Recycling Near Me

We will collect and remove any old Laptop computers completely free of charge for all Schools, Businesses, Government Organisations and Health Care Services and provide you with our CPR Computer Collections document showing that we have taken responsibility for all the equipment and detail how CPR will deal with everything we have collected. Our Recycling Near Me Policy ensures that wherever you are, you can use CPR Computer Recycling. Not a School, Business, Government or Health Care Organisation?, then use our Laptop Recycling Drop Off or Send Direct Recycling Service instead.

So why not Contact Us Today and take advantage of our FREE next day Laptop Recycling and Laptop Disposal Service.

CPR Computer Recycling guarantee to Recycle your old, redundent IT equipment from Desktop Computers, Laptops, Printers, Monitors, Servers, Mobile Phones and Telecoms equipment. We then bring it back to working condition where it will be sold for business or personal use and give profits to UK Charity.

So why not book our services today and do the right thing by the environment.

Book A Collection

Just a few of the many satified businesses using our Laptop Recycling Service

   Air Atlantic use CPR Computer Recycling    Boeing Use our Laptop Recycling Service    British Steel rely  on CPR Computer Recycling    Cook Food Uses Our Computer Disposal Service    CRC Evans Support CPR Computers    Hastings Direct Insurance Use Our Computer Disposal Service    NHS England Use CPR Computer Recycling    Norwegian Air Support CPR Computer Recycling    UKAP Kent Accademies Use Our Laptop Recycling Service    Victim Support use CPR Computer Recycling    West Jet Gatwick Airport Support CPR Computer Recycling