eWaste Computer Recycling
Our eWaste Computer and Laptop recycling services leave nothing to chance. Following the safe and reliable destruction of any data found on hard drives or other media, each component is cleaned, tested and re-assembled into a working system. We then resell what was eWaste and donate profits to UK Charity.
Because we make money from refurbishing and reselling eWaste collected, we don't have to charge you a penny to collect your redundant computer equipment. Better still, all profits from retail sales go to UK Charity.
CPR Computer Recycling eWaste recycling services specialise in the restoration of all old computers and laptops. We don't do anything else and so our focus is always on producing great machines from your eWaste. We can deal with:-
Desktop All In One Computers
Desktop Computers
Thin Client Terminals
Computer Monitors
Laptops and Netbooks
Mobile and Smart Phones
Office IP Telephones
Amplifiers and Speakers
Network Hubs, Switches and Firewalls
Cables, chargers and adapters
Recycling eWaste
As part of our eWaste Recycling Services we collect and remove any old IT equipment completely free of charge and provide you with our CPR IT Recycling Services document detailing that we have taken responsibility for all the equipment so Why Not Contact Us Today and take advantage of our FREE next day eWaste Computer Recycling collection service.
CPR are proud to have a 100% record of being able to refurbish and re-sell all eWaste computer and IT equipment recycled by us which put simply means 0% Landfill!!! That's right, absolutely nothing collected by us ends up as waste because 100% of all computer equipment, Printers, Monitors, Servers, Telecoms and everything else collected gets used to either refurbish the machine it came from or as spares to make other eWaste useable again. Now that's what we call 'Environmentally Friendly'.
Why not Contact Us today and arrange a FREE collection of your old and outdated computer equipment or just use the Online Booking form - Collection Is FREE
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